Your truth is just an illusion.

Every idea that you construct in your mind is an illusion. The ideas that you carry around you and nurture today stemmed from just a single thought in the past. If you believe that you have the ability to change through your experiences, then it becomes completely rational that the erosion of your ideas from your past can stem from just another thought today.

Every idea that is created is done so either through a lens of rationality or emotion. But rationality and emotion are both created through the mind and the mind is just a collection of your memories and experiences that you have moulded into a story about yourself. Rationality and emotion are based on the circumstances that we find ourselves in and the context of our personal experiences. These are all our subjective truths; truths that are never constant. They ebb and flow across the boundaries we have created.

Here's an practical example. A lot of people are liberal in financial policies when they are young and struggling financially. They can rationalize their ideas and this is their truth at that point in time. As they grow older, make money and create assets, they become more conservative regarding the same policies, because they don't want to give up their hard earned money. They simply transitioned to a different spot on the financial spectrum. This is not a question of  what is right or wrong; it is a question of where someone finds themselves at that point in time and the context of their experiences.  And people on both sides of the financial spectrum can rationalize their positions extremely well -  just watch American liberal or conservative news media to see that. Similar dichotomies exist in all areas of life, where our human subjective truths shift over the course of our life.


So, to get back to the point, since these ideas in your mind have the freedom to fluctuate and morph, it makes sense then to get rid of the constructs that you created with your mind, or at the very least - give it the place that it deserves - as temporary and fleeting. The only human truth is that you exist. So loosen up on your ideas and do whatever it takes to make your existence count.


There is no ā€˜Iā€™ in Freedom.


Beautiful Connections.