Beautiful Connections.

 How many amazing, intense relationships do you have in your life today? The kind of relationship that creates a fire within you, that makes you feel alive and seen? The kind of relationship that helps you evolve? One? Two? If you're lucky maybe a handful?

What a shame it is then, when you come across the potential for an intensely beautiful relationship with a friend, a lover, a family member, or even a stranger, but it doesn't take off because of egos, lack of motivation, or even the laziness to put in the effort to nurture the relationship? A failure to connect, simply because you never looked for a signal?

We can't control the outcomes of the relationships we embark on in life. But what we can control is the decision to nurture a relationship with the faith that it will grow into something beautiful. Faith that just one point of connection with another human being is all it takes to spark something beautiful, and the patience to not give up until you find it.

Beautiful relationships do not need to be chance events that we come across in our lives.  Finding beauty in the people we know and meet should be a conscious decision that we take. After all, isn't the point of life to make it more beautiful?


Your truth is just an illusion.


A Lazy Day.