Let the Dancer paint.

Why do you have to be a dancer to dance? Why do you have to be a painter,  just to paint?

A singer to create melodies?  Or a story-teller to dream and pen stories?

Is a passionate child's curiosity about the stars above, or of the life below, any less than the curiosity of a man who calls himself a scientist? The only difference between the two is that the scientist identifies himself by his passion and gets paid for it. The other is just curious about science. And dancing. And painting. And singing. And every other gift the universe creates for him.

The image that you have of yourself and the identity that you hold in society are simply ideas that are created in your mind and in the minds of others. Instead of letting these ideas be free, you had them engraved in your psyche and now use them to drive who you are and what you think.

But ideas can be forgotten. Ideas can change and new ones can be created.

This idea is the Self. It is the Ego.


There's an amazing quote from Lao Tzu that I once read and somehow still sticks with me -

“If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, give everything up.”

To me, this is Freedom.

Let the dancer paint. Let the painter sing. Let the singer write fantastical stories about dancers who paint, sing and write.

Fuck your definitions.


Dreams of the past.


Ask What.